How Wessex Care streamlined Home Office compliance and boosted efficiency by 90%
The Challenge: Recruitment Difficulties and Manual Compliance Processes
Wessex Care faced significant challenges in adapting their hiring strategies post-Brexit due to new recruitment difficulties. Additionally, the sponsor license process was labor-intensive and costly, and managing compliance with government regulations was time-consuming and stressful.
Recruitment Difficulties Post-Brexit
Wessex Care recognized the need to adapt their hiring strategies to address new recruitment challenges that emerged after Brexit. They either relied on costly standard immigration firms or handled the sponsorship process themselves, which consumed hours of their time.
Manual Compliance Processes
Maintaining compliance with government regulations and reporting obligations was a challenging, manual, and time-consuming process. Their apprehension grew as they contemplated the possibility of a Home Office inspection.
The Solution: Borderless to Streamline Home Office Compliance and Recruitment
With Borderless, Wessex Care streamlined their sponsorship and compliance processes, saving both time and money while eliminating the need for expensive third-party services.
Borderless has streamlined our sponsorship process and reduced legal costs at Wessex Care. The platform makes sponsoring migrant workers quick and easy, giving me peace of mind about our immigration law compliance. Christian Airey, Business Director at Wessex Care
Streamlined Sponsorship
Borderless enabled Wessex Care to sponsor 15 healthcare assistants seamlessly. This overhaul not only simplified the administrative process but also resulted in substantial savings in both time and money.
More Time for Higher-Value, Strategic Work
Borderless made Wessex Care's compliance process 90% faster and entirely transparent. As a result, the Wessex Care team saved hours of work per employee, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional care. This streamlined approach has not only filled recruitment gaps but also optimised operational efficiency, significantly enhancing their overall service delivery.